Fabric reinforced diaphragms utilize a layer of an engineered fabric material as part of the diaphragm construction. This layer of fabric give tremendous design flexibility. A very thin-walled diaphragm can withstand high pressures while remaining very flexible and responsive to minor pressure variations. A fabric reinforced diaphragm limits the stroke and provides a frictionless seal. These diaphragms generally cost less, have more tolerance range, and do not require hardened super finishes or lubrication. The function of a diaphragm is the most important factor in its design and manufacture. Simple diaphragms move from one position to another, such as pressure switches and solenoid valves. Diaphragms can be used as shock absorbers as in a dash pot or as dampening devices in pulsating systems. Diaphragms can also be used as barriers between fluids and gases, such as in a pressure drop on the fluid side.
Fabrid reinforced diaphragms are used in pumps, such as automobile fuel pumps, hand pumps, and diaphragm air compressors. In these cases an outside mechanical force is actuating the diaphragm. This functions to displace a volume of media. In the case of a pump the diaphragm creates a low pressure area causing the fluid or gas to move into this area. In all the above cases the function of the diaphragm will generally be the determining factor when considering the type of construction, the material composition, fabric design (weave/knit), and the type of polymer.
Supported diaphragms are produced from a wide variety of fabric, varying strength, weights, and weaves. The fabrics themselves range from natural fibers, such as silk and cotton to the man-made fibers and high strength arimids. The elastomeric coatings can be put on both sides of the fabric in equal thickness or an unbalanced coating. Many applications require elastomeric coatings on only one side such as applications where the pressure differential is in one direction. When knit fabrics are employed, the coating is usually on one side and the same side as the pressure. This allows the fabric to support the coating on both sides for flat diaphragms.
The selection of the fabric substrate, in terms of strength, weight and flex life will greatly depend on the application. Fabric reinforced diaphragms have a distinct advantage over homogeneous diaphragms. Supported diaphragms have less tendency to stretch under pressure conditions. Most importantly, fabric substrate takes all of the stress from the rubber leaving the rubber to work in the least stress conditions.
Darcoid Nor-Cal Seal offers a wide range of elastomer compounds including NBR, EPDM, neoprene, epichlorohydrin, silicone, fluorosilicone and fluorocarbon, as well as polyester, nylon, high temperature nylon and silk fabric reinforcements. Fabric reinforced diaphragm seals are an ideal solution where accurate, consistent response is required for changes in hydraulic or pneumatic pressures, maintaining zero leakage, and offering almost zero friction without the need for lubrication. Darcoid Nor-Cal Seal supplies fabric reinforced diaphragms for usage in applications in many industries including automotive, aerospace, semiconductor, medical, instrumentation and process control industries, they offer an inexpensive solution to design problems.
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